Unwind with the 8 Limbs of Yoga
Anxiety + Yoga
While there are plenty of options to manage anxiety, few are as safe and effective as yoga. Yoga directs your focus and attention to your body and breath, increasing activity in parts of the brain that support self-regulation and homeostasis.
Throughout this weekend, you’ll move, exploring yoga postures and breathing techniques to release stress and trauma locked within.
You’ll journal, to clarify the stories you tell about yourself and the world around you, while unpacking distortions, thought patterns and unconscious beliefs.
You’ll gather, to discuss topics such as boundaries, over-stimulation, and habit-building to support your continued practice.
So, whether you’re experiencing chronic anxiety or occasional nervousness, you’ll leave feeling calmer, grounded and more at ease in your body.
This workshop is suitable for all bodies. Located in
Omega Institute, Rhinebeck New York - Conveniently located just 90 miles north of New York City, Omega's natural environment and quiet pace allow for extraordinary experiences to unfold.