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The Anxious Yogi's free Meditation For Healing begins February 01, 2024, through March 01, 2024. We'll gather each weekday, live (via zoom), bringing our hearts and minds together for collective healing. This meditation is open to everyone. 

Deepak Chopra

"Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is a way of entering into the quiet that is already there - buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day."​


We meditate to anchor our thoughts, words, and actions to the present moment. 

The Deets.

The 30-Day Meditation for Healing begins Wednesday, February 01, 2024, (the start of Black History Month) ending 30 days later on Friday, March 01, 2024. We meditate on weekdays at 9 am PST/12 noon EST.


We gather (via zoom) to meditate with other mindful humans during the work week (M-F). Session durations vary from 10 to 30 minutes, with the meditations getting progressively longer throughout the month. On weekends, you are encouraged to self-meditate, building your home practice. 


So, whether you’re new to meditating or have an existing practice, this meditation will provide accountability and collective support to your practice.

About your guide

Hello, my name is Avenelle / ăh-vuh-nell /, and I will be your guide for the 30-day meditation. I am an explorer, traveler, and gatherer, half Southerner - New Orleans, half West Coast - Oakland, California.


I am the founder of The Anxious Yogi Inc, a movement to re-contextualize mental health care for conditions like anxiety and depression, through exploration, authentic connection, and high-impact tools. This 30-day meditation is a reflection of my own healing and recovery journey. 





What area(s) of your life needs tending, healing, and care? Set your intention in positive words and write them down. After registering for the meditation, You will receive an email with the Zoom link to attend Meditation for Healing.



The practice begins when you show up for yourself. Join our 1st meditation (via Zoom) on Thursday, February 1st, 2024 at 9 am PST/ 12 noon EST. We meditate collectively each weekday, Monday - Friday, through March 01, 2024.   



Commit to meditating for 30 days. This is a commitment you’re making to care for yourself. Add meditation to your daily routine for one month. There's no charge or registration fee. So, don't forget to invite your friends! 

Jon Kabat-Zinn

“It is not that mindfulness is the answer to all life’s problems.  Rather, it is that all life’s problems can be seen more clearly through the lens of a clear mind.”

To meditate, letting your thoughts​ come and go, without judgment.
To  remain present, even when it feels like the world is falling apart​.

To harness the power of the collective by sending loving-kindness throughout the world.

After completing the 30-Day Meditation for Healing, you'll know how:

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to turn my camera on?

We recommend keeping your camera on for accountability.  However, Camera on. Camera off. It's up to you.

How do I prepare? Do I need to speak?

There are no words to prepare or folks to impress.  Consider what kind of healing you need and set your intention. That's it!

Do I need a meditation cushion or pillow?

You are invited to meditate seated, lying down, or standing. A pillow or blanket may provide additional comfort and ease. You are welcome to sit with your back against a wall for support or in a chair.

What if I miss a day? I can't attend the first day. 

No worries.  Come, when you can. Leave, when you must.  Just do your best to show up for yourself.

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